When we went to India on our first silent retreat in 2009, we had no clue of how profoundly this experience would change our lives. We were thirty years old and we finally remembered who we really were, for the first time since childhood maybe.
Leading up to that time, we booked many successes organizing large-scale dance festivals. And although we had achieved everything we ever dreamed of, we felt rushed, unsatisfied, and we’re always looking for more. We were the perfect examples of people chasing external happiness, only to attain it briefly before it left us longing for something new.
During our first experience with the power of silence in India, it took us a couple of days to slow down. But then… we felt a deep inner silence and contentment emerging in us. We were in the middle of nowhere, with nothing to do, nobody to speak to, and yet we felt happier than ever. We know that you already may have heard such a story. Perhaps many times.
But we all recognize its truth. The truth is that the things we are looking for are already within us. We are born with love and joy in our hearts. Power, energy, and stillness in our bodies. Clarity and peace in our minds.
This is why we have created Mandali; to rediscover the essential qualities we all carry within us. Taking time for yourself is food for your soul. It helps you to shift the perspective from your person to your being and reminds you of who you truly are.
Mandali wishes to be a point of light; a spiritual sanctuary of peace that supports you in reconnecting with yourself and others. Our beloved team of teachers and every other member of the Mandali family is looking forward to hosting you during this important time of your life.
May you leave behind what you no longer need and may you receive what will help you to return to your heart.
Much love and appreciation,
Wouter and Wildrik
Our kind-hearted team is made up of locals from the Quarna villages and travellers from beyond, from all walks of life. We have a small and colourful team who are dedicated to creating a warm and loving atmosphere for all our guests.
Our beloved teachers are guides who share their wisdom, unique gifts and embodied teachings from various backgrounds and traditions, all with the aim of supporting your unfoldment.
At Mandali, we strive to cultivate long-term relationships with all our teachers and we encourage them to use our space as a familiar base to return to. We have a wonderful team who regularly teach as part of our in-house Mandali Experience programme, as well as visiting teachers who lead their own retreats. If you are interested in hosting a retreat at Mandali, please visit the contact page.
Mandali is a retreat centre in the foothills of the Italian alps wishing to be a point of light for anyone on a quest for mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing.
Since opening in 2017, Mandali has become a sanctuary designed to support guests to disconnect from the pressures of daily life, switch off from technology, and take time to reflect and reset through meditation, yoga, and dynamic retreat programmes.
We are currently growing a food forest that soon will come to bloom as an ecosystem of edible plants, shrubs, fruit, and nut trees. You are welcome to enjoy our fragrant and flavourful perennial garden where you can smell, taste, and pick all kinds of herbs, any time while you’re here.
Our pond, orchard, and herb garden all work together in balanced symbiosis. This is how an abundant, resilient and diverse permaculture system is coming to life in our gardens. Improving the quality of the soil, filtering carbon from the atmosphere, and producing nutrient-dense ingredients for our kitchen.
We believe that it is essential to take time for yourself in a sacred space.
You are invited.
Zora Neale Hurston