Manuela Peverelli

Meditation / Yoga / Psychology / Conscious Living

Manuela had her first Yoga experience in 2002 and was immediately inspired by the art of embodying consciousness and discovering the heart's qualities.

She grew up in Zürich, where she finished her first Teacher Training in 2008. Ever since her relationship with Yoga deepened in all realms and became more holistic through several years of sincere practices of Asana, Pranayama, Vipassana/Metta/Mahamudra Meditation, Mantra and Mauna (noble silence). She lived for a few years in Asia and later on returned to India, Thailand and Myanmar every Winter for a few months to deepen her own practice.

The studies in Ayurvedic Psychology bridged her background profession as a Psychiatric Nurse to the Eastern approach of how to find inner freedom.

As she continues to be fascinated by the life-changing effect of open awareness, she started training in Buddhist Psychotherapy in 2018.

For her, Yoga with its various aspects offers incredibly powerful instruments to create harmony between body, mind and soul, therefore she remains inspired to create and hold space for the practice of others.

Manuela teaches classes and trainings in Switzerland and Retreats in different places in Europe. Salies-de-Béarn, in the Southwest of France, has become her new home, where she founded a small Retreat place for Meditation, Yoga and conscious living together with her partner. Learn more about Metta Villa :

For more information about Manuela please visit

Manuela’s Favourite Quote
“I measure success by the freedom, liberation and sense of fulfillment an action, project or intention brings forth”

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Motto – teachers

"Those who are awake live in a constant state of amazement"

Jack Kornfield