Neel, Lotje and Geertje

Neel van Leeuwen
Yoga Leentje was founded in 2009 by Neel van Leeuwen with the desire to bring children and families into contact with themselves, each other and nature.
Lotje Dekker
Lotje is owner of Lot of Life and lives together with her family in amazing Italy. Lotje and Neel have been working together for years. With them, you are always in good hands.
Geertje van der Waal
The family yoga weeks are extra special because of the collaboration between Neel and Geertje, whom are sisters. Geertje's presence is appreciated by all and during the week, providing general assistance throughout. She provides the children with loving attention and creativity with them while the adults enjoy their yoga classes.

Upcoming retreats



27 April - 3 May 2025
Family Week (Retreat in Dutch)
Motto – teachers

"Those who are awake live in a constant state of amazement"

Jack Kornfield