Michele Loew is an international yoga teacher & practitioner of Hatha & Tibetan Yogas, & the founding director of the Vajra Yoga School of Comparative Buddhist & Indic Yogic studies she co-teaches with Professor Robert A.F. Thurman at Menla & abroad. Based in Portland, Oregon, she has taught, practiced, & studied avidly since 1998, and continues to run her longtime yoga school and beloved studio, The Yoga Space.

Her love and commitment to the unexcelled yoga tantras of Vajrayana as a path we can take towards perfect enlightenment and the integration of those teachings with the Hatha yogas more broadly practiced today, seeing both as powerful and not separate extensions of one another, infuses her work with great joy & commitment to a more compassionate and awakened world.

She honors the lineage of teachers she comes from and bows to her longtime Hatha & Classical Yoga teacher, Richard Freeman for elucidating the middle path of love with the utmost clarity and kindness. To Robert Thurman, her beloved principle teacher in Buddhist science and her root guru His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the deepest bow for empowering her in the anuttara yogas.

Michele teaches regular classes and 200 & 500 YA trainings in Yoga & Yoga Nidra in Portland & New York, as well as retreats and workshops internationally.

Follow her on instagram @micheleloew

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Motto – teachers

"Those who are awake live in a constant state of amazement"

Jack Kornfield