Deborah Hanekamp

Mama Medicine is Deborah Hanekamp - the author of the bestselling book Rituals Baths and founder of SPACE by Mama Medicine. Mama Medicine facilitates Medicine Readings online and all over the world. These ceremonies integrate two decades of experience. At the end of every Medicine Reading, Deborah prescribes a Ritual Bath.

Her empowering work along with her unique aesthetic and approachable personality, have garnered Mama Medicine tens of thousands of global followers and features in major press outlets. In a world of gurus and self-help, Mama Medicine encourages us to be our own healers and helps us connect to the true master within us all: love.


Mama Medicine’s Favourite Quote
"Let your hair down, howl at the moon and return to the Wild Divine within you. For you are not a cultivated flower, no, you are meant to be wild and free in all that you are. You are healer, you are human, and there is great medicine in all the curves and tides of this brilliant life."- Mama Medicine

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Motto – teachers

"Those who are awake live in a constant state of amazement"

Jack Kornfield