Category: Blog

The Human Experience


Our life can be a wonderful experience, but it can also be mediocre and unfulfilling. At times, we feel free and full of potential, but other times, we find ourselves lost, unsure of what we truly want. We often invest our energy and potential into activities that lack meaning and fall into habits designed primarily […]


Who Am I? : The Life-Changing experience of the Enlightenment Intensive


At Mandali, some retreats, like the Enlightenment Intensive led by Peter Harper and his team, need a bit more explanation to reveal their true potential. Though its promise of self-discovery may seem daunting, it’s an open and welcoming experience for anyone ready to dive deep. In this blog, we’ll share insights into why this retreat […]


The Magic of Silence


January is the silent month at Mandali. Everybody becomes silent, including the staff. So silent that you hear the wind, the birds, your breath. So silent that you feel yourself again, that you become aware of the very silent being that inhabits you.  I love it, and most of my retreats are at least partially in […]


Wholeness in Healing – Meet the Teachers


What happens when two traditions merge into a one-of-a-kind retreat? At Mandali, we value diversity in lineages, teaching styles, and practices, so, when two of our beloved in-house teachers decided to bring their teachings together, it felt like a cosmic cocktail. This collaboration birthed the Wholeness in Healing retreat, blending QiGong, KumNye (Tibetan Yoga), and Breathwork.  […]


Higher Frequencies


Dr. David Hawkins created the consciousness scale, a framework for understanding human emotions and behaviour based on their energy levels and frequency. Each level on the scale represents a different state of consciousness, accompanied by various emotions, thoughts, and behaviours. The scale ranges from 0 to 1000, with 0 being the lowest level of consciousness […]


Interview: From Lucid Dreaming to Lucid Living ~ with Andrew Holecek


Andrew Holecek is a former dental surgeon, concert pianist, competitive freestyle skier, and now author and teacher. He has practiced Beethoven’s sonatas in his lucid dreams, rehearsed lectures, incubated dreams to receive ideas for books, healed himself in dreams, had hyper-lucid dreams more real than waking reality, received precognitive dreams that accurately foretold physical events […]


True Devotion Is to Seek Our Real Nature


‘Among things conducive to liberation, devotion (Bhakti) holds the supreme place. The seeking after one’s real nature is designated as devotion.’ – Vivekachudamani, verse 31 Conventionally, devotion is considered to be to God, who seems to be at an infinite distance from oneself. The author of the Vivekachudamani, Adi Shankara, suggests that of all the pathways that lead […]


Interview: The Power of Will ~ with Emilio Mercuriali


Emilio, what is it about the work you teach that inspires you in your day-to-day? What truly inspires me daily about the work I teach is its transformative power in continuously revealing and challenging my own patterns and behaviours. This process brings into sharp focus the contrast between these habitual patterns and the deeper, more […]


The Felt Sense of Generosity


What does generosity feel like? Generosity is the quality of being kind and sharing that kindness freely with others without expecting something in return. It’s the natural way our heart interacts in the world when it feels safe, secure, and bountiful. Generosity goes beyond material possessions and can include giving time, attention, compassion, skills, or […]


Ready to Soar ~ Discovering the Poet Within


What is poetry? Forget everything you might have been taught about it, any rules around rhythms or rhymes. Forget the rigid structures and the conditioning that led us to believe only a select few chosen ones could dare call themselves ‘poets’. Poetry, at its core, is about expressing truth. When written, and especially when read […]