Category: Blog

True Devotion Is to Seek Our Real Nature


‘Among things conducive to liberation, devotion (Bhakti) holds the supreme place. The seeking after one’s real nature is designated as devotion.’ – Vivekachudamani, verse 31 Conventionally, devotion is considered to be to God, who seems to be at an infinite distance from oneself. The author of the Vivekachudamani, Adi Shankara, suggests that of all the pathways that lead […]


Interview: The Power of Will ~ with Emilio Mercuriali


Emilio, what is it about the work you teach that inspires you in your day-to-day? What truly inspires me daily about the work I teach is its transformative power in continuously revealing and challenging my own patterns and behaviours. This process brings into sharp focus the contrast between these habitual patterns and the deeper, more […]


The Felt Sense of Generosity


What does generosity feel like? Generosity is the quality of being kind and sharing that kindness freely with others without expecting something in return. It’s the natural way our heart interacts in the world when it feels safe, secure, and bountiful. Generosity goes beyond material possessions and can include giving time, attention, compassion, skills, or […]


Ready to Soar ~ Discovering the Poet Within


What is poetry? Forget everything you might have been taught about it, any rules around rhythms or rhymes. Forget the rigid structures and the conditioning that led us to believe only a select few chosen ones could dare call themselves ‘poets’. Poetry, at its core, is about expressing truth. When written, and especially when read […]


Interview: Money, Desire & Power: The Alchemy of Transformation ~ with Nishta Matarese and Evangelos Diavolitsis


First things first, why ‘Money-Desire-Power’? What inspired this provocative trio as a theme for your upcoming retreat?  It’s not a trio, it’s a trilogy or a tragedy because, if they are unconscious, they create pain and chaos. They can also be enjoyable and transformative tools depending on the view and approach.  Look, life is provoking […]


The Dance of Movement & Stillness


Today, we celebrate MOVEMENT! There is something magical that happens when we consciously move, whether it’s in a yoga class, walking, hiking, dancing or whichever way you love to shake and wiggle your being. Movement of all forms plays such a big part of our spiritual and wellbeing practices, and also in what we offer […]


Keeping our Cool during Summer


Summer is upon us and we are feeling the heat of this especially warm year! It can be challenging to find energy and can become a little overwhelming, especially if we are not on vacation and have a busy day. Here are some suggestions from our beloved yoga teacher & wellness coach Julia on how […]


Interview: A Slice of Life – with Chef Viramo


Chances are that if you’ve been at Mandali, you’ve had the pleasure of savouring some of the delicious, heart warming dishes lovingly prepared by Chef Viramo. A coming together of traditional Italian recipes, wholesome vegetarian stews, fresh crispy salads and of course, his unforgettable Tiramisu, his cooking is a part of the essence of what […]


The 6 Keys to Happiness


Real Happiness is not based on external circumstances. This is one of the main lessons we receive in our studies of yoga philosophy, so how can you feel more happiness even if life is not always up to giving it? These are the 6 keys to happiness: 1. Know Yourself Get to know yourself on […]