At Mandali, we believe that your spiritual path deepens by asking the right questions—questions that go beyond the surface to touch the essence of who we are. This questionnaire is an invitation to reflect, explore, and share. It’s playfully designed to spark insights into your life, your journey, and your vision for the future. Whether you are a guest, teacher, or part of our Mandali team, your responses can inspire others and deepen the collective connection within our community.
Beyond the Surface ~ A Self-Inquiry Questionnaire
Feel free to choose one question from each category—or simply the ones that resonate most with you. Take your time, and let your answers flow from the heart. To share with us and our community, please send your answers to, but you are welcome to also use the questionnaire as a self-inquiry tool, and keep your insights just for you.
- What is one important lesson life has taught you so far?
- How do you define a fulfilling life?
- What are you most grateful for right now?
- Tell us about a time in your life when you felt most aligned with your true nature and why.
- If you could only share one piece of advice with the world, what would it be?
- What question do you ask yourself often?
- What do you celebrate the most about yourself?
- If you could spend one day in total silence, where would you go, would you have company and what would your intention be?
- Who or what has had the most profound influence on your spiritual journey?
- What does “being present” mean to you?
“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”
~ Carl Jung
Envisioning the Future
- What does your ideal day off/or working day look like?
- How do you hope to grow in the coming year?
- What legacy would you like to leave behind?
- What is one habit you wish to cultivate more?
- What would your future self thank you for today?
- What is your relationship with Mandali like?
- What does the space at Mandali inspire in you?
- What is your most cherished memory from Mandali?
- If Mandali were a person, what advice would you seek from them?
- If your life were a book, what would this chapter be called?
- What symbol or image best represents your growth journey?
- Describe a place (real or imagined) that brings you peace.
- What makes you feel creative?