A Method to Integrate Your Meditation Practice into Your Digital Life


A confession It’s 2015 and I’m half-way through the meditation retreat that I attend each year in southern France. The sun is beating down outside, and the large group of practitioners are gathered in the relative cool inside the shrine room. Only I’m not with them. Instead, I’m locked in a toilet cubicle and glued […]


The Path of Love: A Transformative Journey to Your True Self


Path of Love is a 7-day immersive experience of deep inner work. It is a transformative journey designed to strip away the masks we wear and reveal the essence of who we truly are. Since its creation 30 years ago, the process has remained fundamentally the same while continually evolving to meet the needs of […]


Mandali Moments ~ Beyond the Surface


At Mandali, we believe that your spiritual path deepens by asking the right questions—questions that go beyond the surface to touch the essence of who we are. This questionnaire is an invitation to reflect, explore, and share. It’s playfully designed to spark insights into your life, your journey, and your vision for the future. Whether […]


Some Ideas on How to Continue after a Retreat


At the end of a retreat I am often asked how to continue a regular meditation practice once we get home. Usually, on a retreat everyone is meditating together at the same time and everything is laid out for us making it easy do the meditation. It can sometimes feel harder not to practise! When […]


A Purposeful Heart ~ Interview with Ajahn Mahāpañño


Can you tell us a little about your lineage? Is it part of the Thai Forest Tradition? Yes, our lineage is the Ajahn Chah and Sumedho lineage, and we are part of the Thai Forest Tradition. We belong to a network of monasteries spread around the world. Most of them are in Thailand, but there […]


Teachings from an Elephant


I arrived at Mandali on a Sunday afternoon. After the opening ceremony, the day was coming to an end, when I joined my first yoga practice in temple. As I was closing my eyes, breathing consciously, letting in clear energy and releasing what no longer served me, the forehead of a big white elephant emerged […]


Beyond the Paradigm of Separation: The Foundations for World Peace


Over the millennia, humanity has struggled with deep and pressing problems: suffering in our hearts, conflict in our communities, war among nations and the degradation of our planet. Not a moment passes without a major news outlet drawing attention to our deeply troubling times. These issues are typically given cursory explanations with little, if any, […]


The Human Experience


Our life can be a wonderful experience, but it can also be mediocre and unfulfilling. At times, we feel free and full of potential, but other times, we find ourselves lost, unsure of what we truly want. We often invest our energy and potential into activities that lack meaning and fall into habits designed primarily […]


Who Am I? : The Life-Changing experience of the Enlightenment Intensive


At Mandali, some retreats, like the Enlightenment Intensive led by Peter Harper and his team, need a bit more explanation to reveal their true potential. Though its promise of self-discovery may seem daunting, it’s an open and welcoming experience for anyone ready to dive deep. In this blog, we’ll share insights into why this retreat […]


The Magic of Silence


January is the silent month at Mandali. Everybody becomes silent, including the staff. So silent that you hear the wind, the birds, your breath. So silent that you feel yourself again, that you become aware of the very silent being that inhabits you.  I love it, and most of my retreats are at least partially in […]


Wholeness in Healing – Meet the Teachers


What happens when two traditions merge into a one-of-a-kind retreat? At Mandali, we value diversity in lineages, teaching styles, and practices, so, when two of our beloved in-house teachers decided to bring their teachings together, it felt like a cosmic cocktail. This collaboration birthed the Wholeness in Healing retreat, blending QiGong, KumNye (Tibetan Yoga), and Breathwork.  […]


Higher Frequencies


Dr. David Hawkins created the consciousness scale, a framework for understanding human emotions and behaviour based on their energy levels and frequency. Each level on the scale represents a different state of consciousness, accompanied by various emotions, thoughts, and behaviours. The scale ranges from 0 to 1000, with 0 being the lowest level of consciousness […]


Interview: From Lucid Dreaming to Lucid Living ~ with Andrew Holecek


Andrew Holecek is a former dental surgeon, concert pianist, competitive freestyle skier, and now author and teacher. He has practiced Beethoven’s sonatas in his lucid dreams, rehearsed lectures, incubated dreams to receive ideas for books, healed himself in dreams, had hyper-lucid dreams more real than waking reality, received precognitive dreams that accurately foretold physical events […]


The Essence of Womanhood


What does it mean to be a woman? It’s a seemingly simple question, yet in our fast-paced modern world, the true depth and significance of womanhood may have been lost. I firmly believe that each of us is here on Earth with a unique purpose, a vital piece in the tapestry of collective consciousness. Our […]


True Devotion Is to Seek Our Real Nature


‘Among things conducive to liberation, devotion (Bhakti) holds the supreme place. The seeking after one’s real nature is designated as devotion.’ – Vivekachudamani, verse 31 Conventionally, devotion is considered to be to God, who seems to be at an infinite distance from oneself. The author of the Vivekachudamani, Adi Shankara, suggests that of all the pathways that lead […]


Interview: The Power of Will ~ with Emilio Mercuriali


Emilio, what is it about the work you teach that inspires you in your day-to-day? What truly inspires me daily about the work I teach is its transformative power in continuously revealing and challenging my own patterns and behaviours. This process brings into sharp focus the contrast between these habitual patterns and the deeper, more […]


The Felt Sense of Generosity


What does generosity feel like? Generosity is the quality of being kind and sharing that kindness freely with others without expecting something in return. It’s the natural way our heart interacts in the world when it feels safe, secure, and bountiful. Generosity goes beyond material possessions and can include giving time, attention, compassion, skills, or […]


Ready to Soar ~ Discovering the Poet Within


What is poetry? Forget everything you might have been taught about it, any rules around rhythms or rhymes. Forget the rigid structures and the conditioning that led us to believe only a select few chosen ones could dare call themselves ‘poets’. Poetry, at its core, is about expressing truth. When written, and especially when read […]


Interview: Money, Desire & Power: The Alchemy of Transformation ~ with Nishta Matarese and Evangelos Diavolitsis


First things first, why ‘Money-Desire-Power’? What inspired this provocative trio as a theme for your upcoming retreat?  It’s not a trio, it’s a trilogy or a tragedy because, if they are unconscious, they create pain and chaos. They can also be enjoyable and transformative tools depending on the view and approach.  Look, life is provoking […]


When Did I Become So Boring? Finding the Spontaneous You


Have you recently wondered, “When did I start being so boring?” It’s a question that creeps into our minds from time to time, and it’s worth exploring. What’s your secret daydream? That one thing you’ve always wanted to do, but you’ve kept safely tucked away, hidden from the world. Perhaps it’s dancing in public just […]


Interview: Finding Harmony Within – Insights from Elena Teixidor on the Elements


What do the elements have to do with our own personal experiences?  I believe that the elements as we experience and see them in the outside world, in nature, are not separate from our internal nature, they are like a mirror. We all have fire, water, earth, and air, as a part of our structure, […]


The Dance of Movement & Stillness


Today, we celebrate MOVEMENT! There is something magical that happens when we consciously move, whether it’s in a yoga class, walking, hiking, dancing or whichever way you love to shake and wiggle your being. Movement of all forms plays such a big part of our spiritual and wellbeing practices, and also in what we offer […]


Keeping our Cool during Summer


Summer is upon us and we are feeling the heat of this especially warm year! It can be challenging to find energy and can become a little overwhelming, especially if we are not on vacation and have a busy day. Here are some suggestions from our beloved yoga teacher & wellness coach Julia on how […]


Conscious Pregnancy – tapping into ancient, earth & body wisdom


Babies have been born for hundreds of thousands of years. The wisdom of pregnancy can be found everywhere. It is programmed in our cells, in our spirits, in the collective field and in the very earth we live on. I genuinely believe that finding our way back to these sources will greatly impact our lives […]


Interview: A Slice of Life – with Chef Viramo


Chances are that if you’ve been at Mandali, you’ve had the pleasure of savouring some of the delicious, heart warming dishes lovingly prepared by Chef Viramo. A coming together of traditional Italian recipes, wholesome vegetarian stews, fresh crispy salads and of course, his unforgettable Tiramisu, his cooking is a part of the essence of what […]


The 6 Keys to Happiness


Real Happiness is not based on external circumstances. This is one of the main lessons we receive in our studies of yoga philosophy, so how can you feel more happiness even if life is not always up to giving it? These are the 6 keys to happiness: 1. Know Yourself Get to know yourself on […]


Sound, Silence and the exploration of Consciousness


When I was in my late teens and after moving out from my parents home, I was living in a small apartment in Italy that was located on a busy main street. At times when I was in the kitchen preparing a cup of tea or doing nothing in particular, I would notice that the […]


6 Tips to Improve your Meditation Practice


The fastest way to improve your meditation practice is to see everything you do during the day as an opportunity to cultivate pristine awareness. Show up for life with eyes wide open! Show up for the small stuff especially. That’s where you want to fall asleep. It’s easy for the mind to wander when you […]


Beautiful – is being taken care of by the ones you love


Recently, we have had a massive earthquake in Turkey. Due to human greed and negligence, the aftermath of the natural disaster was devastation. A few days after the tragedy, I went to teach at a Mandali Experience and a very dear friend of mine went to the devastation zone to help. After we both returned, […]


Interview: Parenting in a new world – with George Maddick


In this inquisitive and open conversation with George, we learn about his journey of becoming a young father, building his life and family according to his vision of a world more connected to the earth. He is also an integral part of our Mandali family, passionately taking care of our gardens and grounds. All the […]


Interview: What I love about ageing – with Prema


What’s the most rewarding thing about getting older? I experience that time has more space. I can breathe deeply, I experience more space inside my container, like it is getting bigger inside. The capacity of including more things, situations are less black and white. There is an understanding that brings grace, and I am more […]


The Art of Journaling


We are living in some unprecedented times. Many people are struggling and words like pressure, rush, mental health, suicide, social media, addiction, drugs – these are almost the new normal.  As a result, more and more people have trouble with finding themselves in a good place emotionally and mentally. What is that feeling that something […]


Unravelling the Mystery of Self-Confidence


When we start a new project or interact with new people, relationships in general and intimate relationships, we need a certain ground, a certain degree of self-confidence that we will be able to handle what comes up and can deal with potential difficulties and unforeseen events. We need to feel relaxed,settled in ourselves and ready […]


The road to Freedom is a long game, but there are shortcuts…


Freedom is a word, a practice, an action, a feeling, and a state of mind. We often speak of our right to live in a free environment but what exactly does this mean? There are precious moments where individual decisions can really make a difference to society at large. The wrong word or action can […]


Gratitude: Our Human Superpower


Every creature on this planet has at least one superpower. Ants can carry 50 times theirown bodyweight, hummingbirds can fly backwards, humans can express gratitude. Thismay sound trite, but gratitude is our superpower. A superpower we know about, pay lipservice too, but don’t fully take into our hearts and honour. There is plenty of scientific […]


About Loving Kindness and Why Practice It


I never really understood the practice of Loving Kindness, metta, until recently. Sure, I had readabout it, heard about it in my trainings, practiced it, and even taught it, but somehow I didn’t‘quite get it’. That is until I read Christina Feldman’s book Boundless Heart, The Buddha’s Pathof Kindness, Compassion, Joy and Equanimity. In her […]


Interview: Mantras – a Sacred Journey, with Thea Crudi


In this inspiring and captivating talk with Thea, she shares with us her story of her discovery and initiation of Mantra singing, her love of ancient Vedic philosophy and her passion of sharing it with the world through her beautiful music and teachings. At the end of the article you will also find a short […]


The Anatomy of a Morning Ritual


Let your morning routine be like a homecoming,  a place of belonging. Something you get excited about when you close your eyes before going to sleep. It’s an intimate offering, a part of you, like a friend that is always by your side.


Embracing Self Love


Today I came across writing that struck me deeply: a text where, according to the author, “the continuous running away from pain and searching for pleasure are clear signs of self-love”. I still have a long way to go on my personal learning and healing process, it is continuous, I would dare to say infinite, […]


6 Ways to Cultivate a Summer Practice


Summer is here, and there is so much to celebrate. Travel season is finally open, the weather is amazing and I feel light, energetic and hopeful. People around me are smiling, I live in the South of France and the combination of rivers, mountains, beach (and the aperitivo) is simply intoxicating. All of life’s regular challenges seem […]


What happens to the mind and body during a sound bath?


We live in a vibrational universe. Modern science has proven that everything is always in a state of vibration. From the movements of the planets to the beating of our heart, every atom, cell, tissue, organ, and bone in our bodies is vibrating and that vibration produces sound, whether or not the sound is audible to […]


Have you ever felt there was a life waiting to be lived inside of you? 


We enter this world as a blank canvas, pure energetic beings with no marks upon our psyche nor limits to what we can do, be or imagine. As we grow, we experience and learn how to interact with the world – we learn to walk, talk, and survive in our surroundings, we learn not to […]


How important is yoga posture alignment, really?


When we practice yoga we often wonder if the poses we are doing are correct, and perhaps wonder why they look differently on us than on others. Yoga teacher Silvia explains what is important in aligning and refining our yoga poses, and also how functionality and aesthetics affect the way we do poses, as well […]


How To Learn Telling Your Truth Even When It Feels Hard?


Have you ever heard of Satya – the yogic practice of Truthfulness? Imagine yourself coming home after a nice shopping day. You just spent 300$ on some gorgeous boots and you feel a bit guilty, but hey, it’s been a while since you treated yourself and so what, money needs to flow, right? Your partner […]


How the Elements Heal Us


So much of the fracturing, I see in my clients, and in the collective, comes from one fundamental illusion: the feeling that we are separate from nature. Ancient cultures all over the world lived in deep reverence for the natural world and saw all of humanity as an interdependent part of the whole. Within this deep […]


Mandali Paradise- Poem 


This poem is dedicated to my wife Verena and daughter Hanna, who inspired me on this journey; to our fantastic teachers Silva, Mario, Steve, and Daniel, who opened new windows in my life; to the wonderful Mandali team around Prema, who created a unique place to find inner peace; and to every wonderful person of the […]


Five Steps to the Present Moment


You’ve probably heard that in order to arrive at a state of inner peace and deep relaxation, first, you have to connect fully to the present moment, the ‘here and now’. That’s why I like to call meditation the Practice of Presence. There are various techniques to connect to the present moment and to exercise […]


Want Peace? Embrace The Conflict.


Want Peace? Embrace The Conflict. The paradox of the compassionate heart A Tibetan monk, who had spent more than 18 years in a Chinese prison labour camp, told the Dalai Lama that on a few occasions he really faced some danger. So, he asked him, ‘What danger? What kind of danger?’, thinking he would tell […]


How to connect with your body?


When we talk about body-oriented work or somatic work we intend to focus on the connection between body and mind. We believe that the relationship with ourselves, with others, and the world around us is strongly conditioned by this connection. One of the basic elements of this approach is that the person experiences itself not […]


Spiritual Activism: Being Mindful In Deep Connection


In this time we are living in, there are many changes happening around us, some are very positive. The world is becoming smaller and we are all seeing very clearly that we are part of a global family. This is a positive thing as the old divisions are becoming increasingly irrelevant and we can have […]


How can QiGong help our mind and body during this unstable period?


Fast-paced and demanding everyday life can make us physically and mentally overwhelmed and exhausted. Especially now, when we still feel the effects of pandemics and our inner batteries run low on energy. QiGong is a method through which any person regardless of age and physical form, can acquire skills and knowledge necessary for a healthy […]


5 tips to start 2022 off on the right foot


1. ​Spend as much time in nature as possible and oxygenate the brain and body. This might seem obvious but in this world of urban living and busyness, we spend too much time in our isolated, unventilated homes. Commit to going on daily short walks and going into a natural park for longer periods at […]


Some ideas on how to continue after your retreat


You have just been on a retreat and meditated every day, it was easy – everything was laid out for you, it was on the schedule, and was shared with a beautiful group. What about when you get back home, is it as easy to continue? However much we may have felt the benefits from a daily meditation practice while on retreat once back home we just forget to do it. Ironically, it’s while caught up in the busyness of daily life that we may need meditation the most. Meditation teacher Steve gives us some useful tips on how to bring your meditation practice home and make it a lifelong habit.


I ask myself: Why am I so identified with the thinking mind?


What is the difference between compulsive thinking and voluntary thinking, and how can we get out of the loop of repetitive thoughts that we don’t benefit from? How can meditation help us separate our ego from our true nature? Shastro shares his insights from a lifelong practice of meditation, explaining the ego’s role in obsessive thinking, desire to control the future, and why we identify with our thoughts.


About plans and planning: Loving What Is


What happens when we make big plans and life goals, and a year later we realize none of them got carried out? How can we avoid falling into patterns of perfectionism, how do we let go of ingrained ideas about how things should or shouldn’t be and simply live in the ‘now’? Read what Marije has to say about having cake for lunch, letting go of unnecessary planning and learning to love what is already there.


5 Surprisingly affordable Superfoods


Super expensive superfoods? Here are some amazing insider tips from Yoga teacher & macrobiotic counselor Julia about some powerful superfoods that are affordable and can easily be found locally. She also talks about what a superfood is and shares a delicious smoothie recipe for you to enjoy.


Spirituality and Aggression


On our spiritual paths, even when we are quite a long way into it, we might still get short fused and lose the sense of peace sometimes. We may even feel aggressive at times, which might be pretty controversial. Do fiery and confrontational emotions have a place too in our lives? Read what psychotherapist and Yoga teacher Evelyne Vuilleumier says about losing the bliss after a retreat, confronting our anger and aggression, and facing our shadow sides.


Money, Purpose and the Human Spirit: Quest for a meaningful life


Meditation teacher & life-coach Evangelos shares his story about life’s big questions he had since he was a kid: Why does money make people behave so foolishly? What is the purpose of life? Is there a God, soul or invisible human spirit guiding our journey? Read about his beautiful life-journey through hard choices, making mistakes, spirituality, finding true purpose and making peace with money.


Connect To The Light : The Gayatri Mantra


What are Mantras and when are they used? Yoga teacher Dagmar Spremberg gives us a clear and easy explanation of Mantras and their purpose and power, and an introduction to one of the most ancient traditional ones – the Gayatri Mantra. As well as sharing some beautiful renditions of this mantra, Dagmar also gives insights and life examples of moments when mantras helped her overcome difficult situations.


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