Who Am I? : The Life-Changing experience of the Enlightenment Intensive

At Mandali, some retreats, like the Enlightenment Intensive led by Peter Harper and his team, need a bit more explanation to reveal their true potential. Though its promise of self-discovery may seem daunting, it’s an open and welcoming experience for anyone ready to dive deep. In this blog, we’ll share insights into why this retreat can profoundly transform those who attend.

When you join the Enlightenment Intensive, you’re not just signing up for a retreat—you’re embarking on a profound journey with like-minded souls seeking the deepest truth of their being. It’s an opportunity to step away from the noise of everyday life and connect with a deeper, more authentic version of yourself.

Imagine stepping onto the front car of a roller coaster: the anticipation builds, your heart races, and suddenly you’re on a thrilling ride into the unknown. This is the feeling from the moment you register. You receive a preparation guide that sets the stage, and as the start date approaches, the excitement grows. As you prepare for this unique experience, you may feel a mix of emotions—curiosity, excitement, and even a shiver of anxiety; that’s absolutely natural, you are stepping into the unknown! Beneath this variety of emotions, you may notice a quiet, persistent voice that seems to call you home, inviting you to explore the deeper truth of who you really are.

Arriving at Mandali, you feel the buzz of anticipation. Mirrors are covered, phones are stored away, and all distractions are left behind. You immediately sense this is a different kind of retreat—one that invites you to let go of old patterns and expectations. The focus shifts entirely inward as you prepare to explore the most profound question: “Who am I?”

The days are a blend of structured zen self-inquiry, shared moments in one-on-one Dyads, and practices that help you to embody your experience and encourage a sense of freedom and self-expression—whether through movement, breathwork, or silent contemplation. Delicious detox meals nourish you, while serene surroundings and silence support your unfolding.

You start to notice the small moments that bring joy—the laughter of a fellow participant, the warmth of the sun on your skin, the stillness that comes from a quiet mind. As the days pass, a subtle transformation begins. You feel lighter, more connected to yourself and those around you. The simple, yet profound question, “Who am I?” echoes deeply within, revealing layers of insight and clarity. By the end, you emerge with a newfound sense of self, peace, and belonging—a transformation that feels like coming home.

The final days are for rest and integration. Relax by the pool, connect with new friends, or simply reflect in the beauty of Mandali. This space allows your newfound clarity to settle, deepening your understanding of yourself.

Many participants find that the connections made here go beyond friendship; they become part of a community that supports and uplifts each other long after the retreat ends. They often describe the Enlightenment Intensive as a life-changing experience—an invaluable gift to yourself. Actually, you can read their sharing yourself below.

Are you ready to embark on this journey to discover the truth of who you really are? Feel the call, take a leap of faith, and just come… the door is open.

With love,

Peter Harper & Veronika Kremen

The Drunken Monk Conscious Living

Unique Elements of the Enlightenment Intensive at Mandali

  • Deep, Guided Self-Discovery: The retreat uses a unique “Dyad” technique, guided by experienced facilitators, that promotes deep self-inquiry and authentic connection. This safe, one-on-one practice unlocks personal insights and profound breakthroughs that are both meaningful and transformative.
  • Unplugged in a Breathtaking Location: Set on a hill overlooking Lake Orta in Italy, Mandali’s stunning environment helps you disconnect from distractions—no mirrors, phones, or external obligations—so you can focus entirely on your inner journey amidst serene natural beauty.
  • Holistic Activities for Mind, Body, and Soul: The experience goes beyond meditation, incorporating movement, dance, breathwork, and more to release mental conditioning and foster flow. Nourishing vegetarian meals, prepared with organic ingredients, complete this holistic approach.
  • Dedicated Integration: A space for integration at the end of the retreat helps you absorb and apply your newfound clarity, with additional post-retreat support to maintain your growth and insights.
  • Form a Community of Lifelong Connections: Beyond personal transformation, you’ll have an opportunity to connect with a community of like-minded individuals committed to deep spiritual growth, fostering friendships and connections that last long after the retreat.


“There were so many, many moments of full presence throughout the retreat. Reconnecting, rediscovering the joy of life and sense of natural lightness.” — Miro

“Being in a group of like-minded people and experiencing deep love, safety, openness, and warmth gave me the opportunity to let go of pain, grief, anger, and sadness which was stored in the cells of my body. There has been a shift in my whole system. I am safe, light, love, freedom, power, and peaceful.” — Fiona

“It has been an incredible profound and surprising journey, full of self-discovery, deep deep learning about myself and others, recognising, realising and resonating from the essence within. A feeling of coming home and reconnecting within myself. And that while being surrounded and embedded by so much love, from the outside and inside and feeling truly held, guided and supported by a greater whole. Pure magic it has been and continues to be. I feel humble, so very very grateful to all life is and find myself filled up with life-energy, curiosity, wonder and deep inner confidence to continue on my path from here.” — Judith

“Through silence and contemplation I have become closer to myself and to acceptance of who I am. Peter and Vero’s guidance is committed, loving, down to earth and with a lot of laughs and pleasure. Really recommend!” — Margit

“It’s all about trusting in the process and a few days afterwards I feel light, alive and excited about my life.” — Mia

We look forward to hosting the next Enlightenment Intensive the 12-17 November 2024 at Mandali. For more information about Peter and the Drunken Monk, please go here.

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